No matter if I'm coaching or facilitating a seminar, I like to encourage people to find power in self-reflection. I believe that if you can to match your talents and skills with your passion, you become unstoppable. The recommendations to follow are probably the most important steps you will ever take toward profitable success.
1. Identify your skills and talents. In my experience as an educator, many adults admit they have forgotten their passion. Sadly our educational institutions don't emphasize this concept enough. I've see first hand how some students reluctantly trade their natural talents for a certificate or degree they don't believe in. If your story is similar don’t worry, many of us are guilty of neglecting what we love to do for what we feel we must to do. Take a moment today to write a list of your skills. Skills are learned over time and eventually become something you do well and with little effort. You might find this list useful in determining your skills Talent, on the other hand, is one’s natural ability. While writing your list, it may occur to you that you have some natural talent but if you struggle to recall, then draw your attention to your youth. What could you do so well that time seemed to stop? Recall what you loved to do before family members or society dictated what you needed to do in order to make money? It is great to know that skills and talents are learned and can be improved upon.
2. Enhance what you have. Do some research, go to workshops, find a mentor, find people who are doing the same thing that you would like to do and then practice, practice, practice and practice some more. Before you know it, you will arrive at step three.
3. Use your wildest imagination to create a package and brand yourself. This step has proven to be the hardest for most people because of conditioning. However, you are required to really stretch yourself to think of the impossible. Let’s face it, if you thought it were possible, you would be doing it already.
4. Find your audience. While studying for my MBA in project management and marketing, I found it common to recommend that people identify their audience before considering a marketing strategy. However, what most text books fail to tell you is that even the most expensive marketing plans miss the mark to attract your audience. Sometimes, your audience has to find you. Consistency will help them find you. There is one thing for certain, no matter your brand, there is always someone out there who at best needs you and better still others who would appreciate what you have to offer. Here's a word of advice don't ever think that your talents and skills are worthless. If you do, you will be the block that is in your way. Here’s what I know to be true. Your skills and talents match with your passion will make you unstoppable and you can quote me. Speaking of which, I recall seeing a quote by Maya Angelo which said, My passion in life is not merely to survive but to thrive and to do so with some passion some compassion some humor and some style.
5. Call on me for more empowering tools. There are several ways that we can work together.
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• Enjoy networking with like minds! Join me for upcoming events.
• Empower others! Host a MySpiritFitness seminar or workshop in your area
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As your Wellness Strategist and Healthy Living Expert, I am traveling from coast-to-coast fueling a wellness revolution at home, work, school and at play. My mission is to empower you with vital tools to promote more fulfilling healthy life experiences. Schedule your free coaching session today or book me for your next event at
Examples of Skills. (n.d.). Retrieved October 26th, 2016, from Read more at